> Addressed to: "Steve Werby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ** Reply to note from "Steve Werby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Tue, 3 Apr 2001 
>15:24:29 -0400
> >
> >
> > I should have said there's no *reliable* way to check whether an email
> > address on an external server is valid.
> There is one _reliable_ way to verify the email address is valid.
> Generate a random password then send it to the email address they give
> you. Then pop up a page that tells them to check their email for the
> password.  I include the user name and a link to the site in the email I
> generate.
> No email address - no password - no access.
> Rick Widmer
> Internet Marketing Specialists
> http://www.developersdesk.com
> --
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Just for the record... You guys aren't validating an email-address.
You just send something to an address some gives. If the mail
doesn't arrive.... bad luck for that guy. That's no way of
validating an address. That's just sending an email to whatever
address someone gives. Realy validating the address is checking
whether or not it exists _WITHOUT_ sending an email. Sometimes you
just have to live with those things that aren't possible.... like
quickly and savely validating an email-address.

Like Steve and I already posted; you can check the domain and that's

Everything that goes beyond that is just trail-and-error checking.
That's not the way. E.g. if you have some site and you want to
collect marketing information you want the email-addresses to be
correct. But _noone_ will ever fill out some form -> check his mail
-> come back to a given URL -> and validate some password. That's
only a possibility for sites where people can create an account of
some sort. When it just concerns some visitor information, there is
no reliable way of checking the complete address. Just like e.g. the
first- and lastname of the visitor. You just _cannot_ check that!

* R&zE:

**  Renze Munnik
**  M: +31 6 218 111 43

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