Markus Fischer wrote:

up until now, when outputing XML I've been constructing the output as a continous string-soup in such ways like

$xml .= printf('<item name="%s">%s</item>', makeXmlSave($name), makexmlSave($contentOfItem));

makeXmlSave() makes sure that quotes, ampersand, < and > are properly escaped with their entity reference. However I was thinking if it wasn't possible to e.g. generated a a complete DOM tree first and then just having this tree being dumped as XML.

I'm using PHP4 right now.

- Markus

In PHP5 the simplexml functions make it very easy to read/edit XML documents. For instance



With simplexml you can load that XML document into an object:


        $friends = simplexml_load_file('friends.xml');

        foreach ($friends->friend as $friend) {
                echo "Name: {$friend->name}; Age: {$friend->age}\n";


Which would output:

        Name: Charlotte; Age: 21
        Name: Dan; Age: 25
        Name: Jennifer; Age: 19

You can also edit the object and save it, either as an XML file or as an XML-formatted string. Search for 'simplexml' on to see the full documentation.

But it only works in PHP5 ;)

Daniel Schierbeck

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