"Sam Hobbs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I am trying to copy the body portion of a HTML file for use in the current 
>page. I am using PHP 5.0.1.
> I think the following is close but not close enough; nothing gets imported 
> by importNode. I assume this would be easy if I knew the DOM well enough; 
> if someone else is then I hope this would be easy enough for them to 
> either fix or provide something that works.
> <?php
> define("APPLICATION_ROOT", "C:/Apache2/htdocs/");
> $Filename = "Categories.html";
> if (!file_exists(APPLICATION_ROOT.$Filename)) {
>    print "File $Filename does not exist<br>\n";
>    exit;
>    }
> $Document = new DOMDocument();
> $Document->loadHTMLFile(APPLICATION_ROOT.$Filename);
> if (!$Document) {
>    echo "Error loading $Filename<br>\n";
>    exit;
>    }
> $NewDocument = new DOMDocument();
> $Body = $Document->getElementsByTagName("body")->item(0);
> foreach($Body->getElementsByTagName("*") as $Node)
>    $NewDocument->importNode($Node, FALSE);
> print $NewDocument->saveHTML();
> ?>

Ooops, sorry. I should have searched the archives before posting. I see I 
need to do an appendChild after importNode. That works if I set deep to 
TRUE, except I get elements repeated. I am confident I will solve that in a 
couple of minutes, so I think I am finally done with that portion.

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