On Fri, 2004-09-03 at 15:27, Dennis Gearon wrote:
> I am designing my own 'usr' class that takes care of logins. I need
> to know the following to finish it.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> A/ Does anybody use sessions for users who are not logged into the site, and why?

Yes.  Because I allow anonymous users _some_ interaction with my site.

> B/ If a user goes from unlogged in, unidentified user to a logged in, identified 
> user, is the first session canceled and new session started?

Depends on your definition of "logged in".  My users are logged in when
they have $_SESSION['user_id'] set to some integer greater than 0.  I
can call session_destroy() to kill the whole session or just unset the
one variable with unset($_SESSION['user_id']).  Either way they will be
logged out.  I usually follow either method with a header("Location:
index.php") call to some main page in the site.

> C/ (The reverse), if a user goes from logged in, identified user to a unlogged in, 
> unidentified user, is the first session canceled and new session started?

Only if you call session_destroy().

> D/ How is it possible, using PHP4+ sessions, to cancel a session a page is opened 
> with, and starting a new session?


Greg Donald

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