Justin French wrote:
Hi all,

I'm working with a bunch of users who hardly ever use correct punctuation in their submitted content. I realise there's very little I can do, but I'm trying to do *something* to make things a little more presentable. At the very least, ensuring that all "sentences" begin with a capital letter (english) would be a great start.

Has any one come across a library of "punctuation cleaners" or something like that?

Justin French

Check out the many wonderful string functions at http://php.net/strings

In particular, for all uppercase, you'll probably find 'strtolower()' helpful. And, as Jim mentioned, ucfirst() will capitalize the first letter.

There's a bunch more that can help you control what they're sending you. (Isn't it amazing what people will enter in a form??)

Chris Martin
Web Developer
Open Source & Web Standards Advocate

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