Justin French wrote:
Can anyone suggest a PHP editor/IDE for OS X other than:

- BBEdit (already using it)
- Zend Studio (it's Java, not OS X native)

What I'm hoping for is:
- some form of auto-complete text for functions/constants/etc,
- integrated testing/debugging
- integration with local install of PHP
- anything else that will make my life easier without 'getting in the way'.

My guess is it doesn't exist, but it's worth a shot.

PLEASE, no "On Windows I use..." or "I just use 'Text Editor X'" -- I'm looking for something more than a basic text editor, and it has to be OS X native (not some ugly, sluggish Java thing).

Justin French

I don't run OSX, so I don't know how easy this is, but it's definately worth the mention.

OSX has a unix core. I saw a bit on TechTV saying if you install the developer tools, you can run virtually any *nix app.
See these for more info

I saw some tutorials searching google for "run linux apps on Mac" too.

That said, you could give Quanta Plus or Bluefish a shot, both are great free linux apps. My personal favorite is Quanta Plus, it contains most of what you mentioned (even auto-completes your variables)

On the non-free side, Dreamweaver MX has some decent PHP features, although it's a pricey solution.
<mac stab> You should be use to that though! ;) </mac stab>

Chris Martin
Web Developer
Open Source & Web Standards Advocate

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