> Can you at least explain me why it has been changed, before I go and
> change 150 lines of code, please?
> Yours Sincerely
> Sebastian


Version 5 is what you would call a "Major Version" change. This is like
comparing MySQL 4.x to MySQL 3.x. An insert statement that would result in
duplicate keys used to issue a warning and would be skipped in a batch - now
it issues a fatal error halting the batch. Using a new feature like "on
duplicate key update" or "REPLACE INTO ..." is the better way to go if you
want to explicitly ignore duplicates. This comparison is only meant as an
example to explain why changes are made.

With PHP 5 there are many fixes and small changes like this. To many,
allowing non array values in array_merge() might seem like a mis-feature. To
you it is obviously a problem. Many people would argue that you should have
declared your array before hand to avoid this problem. This is why major
versions are released early while the older major version is still supported
like Apache 1.3.x VS. Apache 2.0.x and PHP 4.3.x VS. PHP 5.0.x.

Some modifications to existing code are expected; hence the migration
documentation. I can certainly understand your frustration as can many
others, however, this is an anticipated (and documented) issue.

Now, if I could just figure out how to plug this new fire wire storage
device into my 386 I'd be a happy camper. :-)

Best to you,

Jim Grill

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