> the following error occuring in above line.
> Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
> (output started at E:\PHPMySql scripts\bugtrack\connection.php:3)
>  in E:\PHPMySql scripts\bugtrack\index.php on line 117

Have you got any space before you output anything to the browser? I've
found that often I've saved a file with a newline at the end by
accident - meaning that PHP thinks I'm ready to start sending output
and therefore any functions that modify the headers won't work because
they've already been sent.

Check connection.php around line 3 to see if there is anything sending
output before you call session_* or Header().

BTW, you shouldn't use relative URIs in Location: headers, try using:

header('Location: http://www.mydomain.com/path/to/home.php');

instead (this won't fix anything, but it's the correct way to do it
according to the HTTP/1.1 standard).

Hope this helps,


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