look the line 3 of connection.php
Good luck

On Wed, 8 Sep 2004 16:43:54 -0700, CBharadwaj
> Hello,
> In conection.php I have written.
> on successful login I am registering a session variable.
>    SESSION_REGISTER("userId");
> on login failure  I am redirecting to home page.
>     Header("Location: home.php");
> the following error occuring in above line.
> Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by
> (output started at E:\PHPMySql scripts\bugtrack\connection.php:3)
> in E:\PHPMySql scripts\bugtrack\index.php on line 117
> the connection file I have included in every page.
> why this error is occuring?
> Bharadwaj
> --
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