Dennis Gearon wrote:
I'd like a value to be passed back from every page, if that page was originally passed that value.

The two ways that I can think of it, are:
1/ Javascript with some sort of 'onSubmit()' function which causes a minimal form to be submitted via POST or GET
2/ A hidden form value, and make every action on a page be a button, which submits a form as above.

3. Define your "SID" value:
$SID = isset($_REQUEST['var_name']) ? '&var_name=' . urlencode($_REQUEST['var_name']) : '';
Write every link as href="page.php?<?php echo $SID; ?>"
Something similar for forms.

If no value was received, it would know it was a first access.
NO, I don't think Sessions will do it - I will use this value IN PARALELL to Sessions.
NO, I don't think Cookies will do it, since I want the value to be different for each
browser instance and each 'TAB' in each browser instance.

You will fail. User can use right click to open any link in a new window and the value will stay the same.

Someone tell me if I'm on the right track, and point me to a link that shows how to do:

   My idea 1,
    My idea 2,
   or your idea?

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