I had a similar problem myself 1 1/2 weeks ago when my system locked up 
through an IDE bus lock up after 560 days uptime (system still ran, but no 
access to anything on the IDE drives, scsi was ok).  There was significant 
file system damage, which for me took out my web pages, MySQL, a number of 
executables, and a few other files.  

Your whole problem sounds like file system damage to me.  I'm assuming you've 
run something like fsck to examine your file systems, been through the 
lost+found directories on the various partitions and put together again as 
much as you can.  Just because a program still kind of runs doesn't mean it 
or its files escaped the crash undamaged.

I think your only two reasonable options here are to reach for you backups 
(you did make them, didn't you???), or to rebuild the failing components.

If you need further help, you can contact me directly as this thread doesn't 
really belong on the PHP list.


On Wednesday 15 September 2004 08:14, Justin Rietz wrote:
> I am running Apache. Xoops, and Squirrelmail on a
> Fedora 2 server.  I recently had a power failure - my
> daughter turned off my power strip :-(  The network
> card was fried.  Anyway, PHP does not seem to be
> working now.  Apache serves static html pages fine,
> squirrelmail loads in the browser but can't read
> mailboxes, and the Xoops home page pulls up VERY
> slowly but doesn't post any graphics.
> I have spent 2 days trying to find the solution.  If
> anyone has any ideas, it would be much appreciated!
> Thanks,
> -JR

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