PHP Junkie wrote:

I've been having a very nagging and frustrating problem for a while and I
hope someone can help me out with this.

I created a simple File Manager application, a lot of you already know about
it as you helped me with coding at different stages.

The problem is this: The Download.
When you download a file, it's giving problems sometimes. What is happening
is, a 1 KB file downloads instead of the actual file. And thus the file
downloaded is no good. The file uploaded is absolutely perfect. Since I have
the web server which contains this website, I'm easily able to check all
these things. When a user uploads a file, it's uploaded absolutely perfect.
It's not a 1 KB file.. The whole file is uploaded and it's not corrupt. But
when a user downloads the file... Most of the time a 1 KB file is
downloaded.. And its' corrupt of course.

The more frustrating part is, it happens sometimes.. Not everytime. It is
happening 90% of the time.. But sometimes it is able to download the actual
file. If you try the same file from different locations, 15 times... 1 out
of 15 times the file will download fine.

I've been doing all sorts of testing to narrow down the problem but I don't
know the problem.

This is my download script :

$file = "$P/$F";
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".basename($file));

Which is called using this link on the main page:

<a href=\"imsafm_user_dl.php?ID=$myrow[ID]&P=imsafm/$user&F=$myrow[filename]\">
<img src=b_newtbl.png border=0></a>

What does the 1 KB file contain? Is it the beginning of the wanted file? Remove @ while debuging.
Add header('Content-Lenght: ' . filesize($file));
Check server logs.


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