$var = "1+2+3+4+5"; // should be 15
eval('$result = ('.$var.');');
echo $result; // returns 15
could also be written as:
eval("\$result = ($var);");

but that's not the point ;)
Whitehawk Stormchaser wrote:
I have been trying to make some sort of calculator in PHP, but I have stumbled on a problem... I have been make some kind of dynamical calculator, unlike most I have seen, that had $value1 [math operator] $value2 strict, but a calculator, that can calculate basically anything ( even something like (5*(8-3)+2*(4-1))^3 ), and can be put in as string variable...

I have tried things like this:

$var = "1+1+1+1";
echo $var + 0; //returns 1


$var = "1+1+1+1";
echo eval("\$var;"); //returns blank


$var = "1+1+1+1";
echo (int) $var; //returns 1

things like that...

Now my question is: is it possible to calculate the value of the string somehow?

Thanks. Stormy.

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