Hello Christian,
you must register first, then set the value!
Tuesday, April 03, 2001, 2:35:10 AM, you wrote:
CD> Why does one variable gets registered and the other don't (the order
CD> doesn't alter anything.. I've tried)...
CD> <snip>
CD> $script_total_time=(float)$total_time;
CD> session_register("script_total_time");
CD> $step_times_array[$step]=$total_time;
CD> $step_times=serialize($step_times_array);
CD> //echo "step_times=\"$step_times\"";
CD> session_register("step_times");
CD> </snip>
CD> after that (and there are no mentions to either of those vars after that),
CD> these are the contents of the session-cookie:
CD> script_total_time|d:4.8891049623489;!step_times|
CD> step_times simply doesn't get registered...
CD> BTW... the commented echo above outputs:
CD> step_times="a:1:{s:8:"download";d:4.8891049623489;}"
CD> what is wrong with my code?
CD> ____________________________
CD> . Christian Dechery (lemming)
CD> . http://www.tanamesa.com.br
CD> . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer
Best regards,
slavko mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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