As John noted at the end... I do not have control over the format of
the XML... but thanks.... I will try... BTW i am using PHP4 is
SimpleXML able to be used and if so how?

Sorry for the newbie question

On Thu, 23 Sep 2004 10:44:31 -0400, John Holmes
> >> I am new to php and xml and would like to know how I can set a
> >> variable (i.e $terror_threat_level) equal to the value of
> >> Threat_Advisory's Condition in the following that is available at
> >> ...
> >>
> >>  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
> Hmmm... I couldn't get SimpleXML to work with this data; maybe it doesn't
> pick up attributes or that XML could be better formed???
> I'm sure there's an XML way to do it, but if you don't find anything, here's
> a quick way to match it with regular expressions.
> <?
> $str =
> file_get_contents('');
> preg_match('/CONDITION="([^"]+)"/',$str,$match);
> echo $match[1];
> ?>
> Off topic, I was thinking this XML would be "better formed" XML as:
> and then you can use:
> $str =
> file_get_contents('');
> $xml = simplexml_load_string($str);
> but simplexml simply has one element, [0] => ELEVATED. You can't do $xml[0]
> or $xml->0 (since $xml  is an object), etc and you have to do
> $threat = current($xml);
> echo $threat;
> You can cast $xml to an array, but that still doesn't seem very intuitive:
> $a = (array)$xml;
> echo $a[0];
> I'm not an XML wiz by any means... is this just bad XML that SimpleXML is
> handling the best it can or is SimpleXML acting up?? If it's bad XML put out
> by DHS, then I can pass some messages up the chain... :)
> ---John Holmes...

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