I've got this function in a class object, however the cookie does not set even though Łok returns true !!! I've got cookies enables on all my borswers (firefox, mozilla, opera , IE)..
any ideas !!

function updateClient($arr){
$sql = "update clients set
name= '$name',pos = '$pos',company= '$company',
address='$address',postcode ='$postcode',email='$email',tel='$tel',affiliate=$affiliate,aff_stat_id = $aff_stat_id ,
date_updated = now() , ip='$ip'
where client_id = $client_id
$ok = setcookie("client_id", "argh", 259300); //* expire in a month ish
//echo $sql."=$client_id"."=$ok";
$_SESSION['client'] = $this->getClient($client_id);
return $client_id;


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