Hi All,


I'm developing a wiki-esque application for an in-house project and am
wondering how others go about resolving potential conflicts when multiple
users are editing the same content drawn from a MySQL database?


In particular, I'm working on code that allows users to rename 'pages' (ie
the value in the 'pagetitle' field for the record currently being
displayed). Theoretically, there may be other records in the table that have
intra-record links to the record being renamed (I'm using the Markdown
syntax [see http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax and
http://www.michelf.com/projects/php-markdown/] in the content fields). In a
perfect world, I should just be able to run a MySQL replace function across
any records that contain the old page title, replacing the value with the
new page title, however I foresee a problem if a user is currently editing
content from a record that has the old page title. When that user saves
their changes, it will currently overwrite any changes made by the MySQL
replace function.


So, I'm wondering, how do others handle potential conflicts of this kind?
This conflict should be just as relevant to the idea of two users
concurrently attempting to edit the same record, as it does to the specific
situation outlined above.


Any help appreciated!


Much warmth,




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