Hello there,

PHP set up as CGI (either with binfmt and suEXEC or via suPHP) can expose your system to a denial of service attack. Even a very simple page like

<? echo "Hello world"; ?>

can bog down a server completely if the reload button on the browser is pressed continously for some seconds. I already tried the RMax directives in httpd.conf and the memory limit in php.ini, but it does not seem to work, it is just being ignored. I think that so many processes are spawned that the system is out of control. I can get my load as high as 91 and my disk swaps for nearly 30 minutes until it works again. Sometimes even the kernel crashed with out of memory errors.

Apart from trying out cgiwrap, I am completely helpless right now.

Does anyone have an idea on what to do? I can't be possible that every PHP suEXEC install is a big security risk. Any tips are welcome!

I experienced this problem with Apache 1.3 and 2.0.

Thanks in advance,

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