On Sep 30, 2004, at 8:01 AM, Greg Donald wrote:

I was wondering if anyone on the list has taken the Zend PHP Certification test?

I bought the Zend study guide and have read it cover to cover, then I
went back and re-read a bunch of it again in areas where I felt weak.
I've been studying heavily the past two weeks and I have the test
tomorrow morning.  So I'm wondering what anyone who has taken the test
might recommend studying the most during my last 24 hours prior?

Hi Greg,

I sat the test last Wednesday after going through the guide cover to cover. Whilst there were a number of questions which were definitely experience-based, I found the questions were generally somewhat easier than the chapter questions and practice exam questions in the guide. If you're happy with those you should have no trouble in the exam.

All the best for tomorrow morning!

James McGlinn Project Manager BCom, BSc, Zend Certified Engineer (PHP)

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