Can anyone tell me how secure a session variable is.  I realize that if 
someone wanted to take the time to break into my site they will eventually 
succeed, but I dont want to make it too easy.  I have a database that stores 
a username and an encrypted password which both are verifyed when the user 
logs in to the site.  Then I have a session variable that I am checking for 
on all other pages that tells the page that they are logged in.  I also have 
a session variable that holds the users ID in the database.  Certain pages 
reference that ID to show the user there data.  Mainly used for a My Account 
page.  But If I'm logged in, how easy would it be, if its even possible, to 
change the session variable that holds my ID to someone elses ID so I can 
get their data.

I hope I have explained myself enough for someone to know what I am talking 
about.  If anyone has some good web sites on session security I'd really 
like to read them.



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