On October 6, 2004 15:34, Chris Boget wrote:

> Unfortunately, in PHP4.3.2 that doesn't seem to be working... :(
> Does anyone know how I can access a class' variable w/o having
> to instantiate an object of the class?  This is more to the point of
> what I'm trying to do:
> Since PHP4 doesn't have enums, I'm doing this:
> class MyEnums {
>   var $this = 'This';
>   var $that = 'That';
>   var $other = 'Other';
> }


A work around I've used in the past has been to use a keyed array such as:

$MyEnums = array(
        "is" => "This",
        "at" => "That",
        "er" => "Other"

Then you can refer to them like:

echo($MyEnums["is"]);   // Prints "This"

Just an idea.
David Bevan

We could learn a lot from crayons: 
some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names, 
and all are different colors....but they all exist very nicely in the same 

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