On Thursday 07 October 2004 08:26, Sagar C Nannapaneni wrote:
> BlankThis may sound strange..but is there a way out???
> I need to know where the client moves from my page.
> Even using frames...like my page will b in the top frame
> of the page and the user can browse his stuff in the lower
> frame..so can v find from the top page whats the user is
> browsing???

If you control both pages - i.e. you have access to the applications - you may 
use javascript to send signals from the second frame to the first. But have 
in mind that if the domain of both applications is not equal you'll have to 
set it via javascript explicitly.

> I rreally wonder...i badly need the solution :(
> /sagar

Cyberly yours,
Petar Nedyalkov
Devoted Orbitel Fan :-)
Orbitel - the New Generation Telecom! See www.orbitel.bg.

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