It's not first of April today is it?


<? if ($id != "") {

  print "<center>";
  print "<p>TID detail view - Document #<b><?php echo $id; ?></b></p>";

$sql="select * from tid_tbl where id=" . $id;
$result1=mysql_query($sql, $mysql_link);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result1);
echo '<table border="1">';
echo '<tr><td BGCOLOR="' . $headerbg . '">Subject</td><td>' . 
$row["subject"] . '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td BGCOLOR="' . $headerbg . '" valign="top">Issue/Info</td><td>' 
.  ereg_replace (13, "", nl2br($row["body"])) .  '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td BGCOLOR="' . $headerbg . '">Author</td><td>' . $row["author"] 
. '</td></tr>';
echo '<tr><td BGCOLOR="' . $headerbg . '">' . $contact . '</td><td>' . 
$row["company"] . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table></center>';

The third line (starting print "<p> TID detail") is my mystery line.
If I comment it out ("// print "<p> TID detail...") the parser chokes on on 
the last line (or I suppose somewhere between).
While I totally delete it everything is OK. What is the parser seeing that 
I'm not?


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