Dear php list!

I have a real big and strange problem I ran into few weeks ago.
One of my clients complained, that the intranet software began to run
very slow, almost unusable.
Since then I have almost tried everything to get the thing work.

The facts:
On P3 architecture systems (I have tried 3, including the server at the
clients office) runs very slow and with about 0-5% of CPU usage. The
code needs about 2 minutes to get completed.
On a P4 it is ready in 2 seconds with 100% CPU usage.

I have placed a debug function into the code. It is a string that
collects unix microtime each time within the loop. This loop has approx.
10k cycles. The loop does nothing than echoing a row. Sometimes there is
a 4 second gap between two cycles, sometime only a few microseconds.

The original system was installed from Debian Woody, but the problem
appears on a Sarge system, and when using apache&php compiled by me.
No configuration file fine tuning seems to work.

The most strange thing is, that the problem appeared at a time, when no
changes to the program was made.


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