2004-10-20, sze keltezéssel 00:19-kor Ed Lazor ezt írta:
> > >How any rows are you pulling from the database?  
> > aprrox. 12.000 but there are only around 50-100 new rows at a
> > within a day, and there were almost as many before the 
> > problem appeared.
> You're creating a form with over 12,000 options in a select statement?

Unfortunately yes. This is a serial code from a paper form. Because they
want to be able to select each form individually from on page there is
no other way.
(maybe I should implement an archivating function)

> Have you tried to increase the amount of memory available to this

I have set it to 64M, but it didn't seem to work.
It is strange, that now I have set it to -1 (according to the php doc
this is the value for unlimited memory access). Now it is faster. But by
now I can't say how fast it really is. The customer will say it

Thanks very much for the help by now

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