On Oct 20, 2004, at 1:02 AM, Chris Ditty wrote:

Hi all.  I'm trying to do a little code snippets page for a site I am
working on.  I figured it would be simple enough.  I would do a
str_replace and replace the various html codes with the ascii
eqivulant.  Unfortunately, it is not working as expected.  Can anyone
help with this?

This is what I am using.
$snippetCode = str_replace("\n", "<br>", $snippet['snippetCode']);
$snippetCode = str_replace("<", "&gt;", $snippetCode);

< is actually less than

$snippetCode = str_replace(">", "&lt;", $snippetCode);

and > is greater than. Don't know if this makes a difference to you.

$snippetCode = str_replace("&", "&amp;", $snippetCode);

This is what is in $snippet['snippetCode'].
?><pre><? print_r($ArrayName); ?></pre><?

This is what is showing on the web page.
?&lt;&gt;pre&lt;&gt;? print_r($ArrayName); ?&lt;&gt;/pre&lt;&gt;?

If anyone can help, it would be appreciated.  Also, if you have a
quick and dirty code colorer, I would appreciate that.


Like the others have said, consider using htmlspecialchars().

Have fun!

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