See... basically, I have two sites. One site provides user authentication
and another one requests the authentication. The requesting site need to
send to the authentication site its request in an XML.  The authentication
site is suppose to get the XML file using $HTTP_POST_FILES.  I'm using PHP
to dynamically generate the request XML file and I need to submit it to the
authenticating site; but I don't want to use file upload and browse
functionality, because the authentication process is suppose to be
transparent to the end users.

Again, thanx for the help and any insights would be greatly appreciated. :)
> Server to Server transfers are a bit different. There are MANY ways to
> do it. You can put the file in the document root of one server, and
> download it with the other server. Or you could FTP the file from one
> server to the other. Just 2 examples.  And, you could even POST the file
> from one to the other.
> That solution seems a bit icky to me, but it all really depends on what
> you need. Pulling is generally easier than pushing.
> Chris
> Victor C. wrote:
> >Thanks for answering Chris..
> >What if I want to send a file from my web server to another site for them
> >parse?  I already know what file I want to send and I do not want to have
> >select the file by doing "browsing".
> >
> >
> >

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