On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 16:26, Brad Dameron wrote:
> On Mon, 2004-11-01 at 15:17, Jason Davis wrote:
> > sc.php
> > <?php
> > setCookie('data' , 'blah');
> > include 'gc.php';
> > ?>
> > 
> > gc.php
> > <?php
> > print $_COOKIE['data'] . " <-here";
> > ?>
> > 
> > 
> > this is the out put of running sc.php
> > 
> > <-here
> > 
> > 
> > why is this , i want to set a cookie ... then have a include do
> > something
> > with it ... is this not possible to do during the same http transaction?
> > 
> > thanks
> Your setcookie line is wrong. You have a uppercase C. Which it will
> think it is a different function. 
> Also with your login page instead of sending them to another page to
> check auth send them to the same page. Here is a example:
> if (isset($_GET['user']) && $_GET['type'] == "submit") {
>    $user = trim($_POST['user']);
>    $pass = trim($_POST['pass']);
>    if ( "1" == $autherror=authenticateUser($user, $pass)){
>       $_SESSION['app_user'] = $user;
>       $_SESSION['app_pass'] = $pass;
>       error_log ("DNS_LOGIN: $user logged in from ip: $ip.", 0);
>       header("Location: tiny_edit_login.inc.php");
>       exit;
>    } else {
>       error_log ("$user failed on " . date("m-d-Y H:i:s") . " with
> password of '$pass' from ip: $ip", 0);
>    }
> }
> I return back a 1 if auth successful or a 0 if not. I prefer to use
> session's with cookies over cookies directly.
> Brad

i like this idea , how then do you go about making sure users are authed
on pages other than the login page?

here is my plan ...

use this object for auth

$seed_phrase = 'my_wife_Would_love_it_no_really';
$use_mysql = '0'; // set to one and fill in $mysql_vars else set to 0
and file in $passwdFile var rel or full path 
        $mysql_ip = '';
        $mysql_user = 'nub';
        $mysql_pass = 'nubpasswd';
        $mysql_db = 'testdb';
        $mysql_passwd_key = 'username';
        $mysql_passwd_field = 'password';
        $mysql_table = 'users';
$passwdFile = '/var/www/web_editor/.htAuthTool';

class AuthTool{

        function checkAuth(){
                                        return 0;
                        $data = $_COOKIE['data'];
                        list($username,$hash) = split(",", $data);
                        $phrase1 = md5($username . $seed_phrase . 
                        if(!strcmp($phrase1 , $hash)){
                                return $username;
                                return 0;
        } // close checkAuth 

        function cookiePut($user){
                $phrase = md5($user . $seed_phrase . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
                $authData = $user . "," . $phrase;
                setCookie('data' , $authData);
        }//close cookiePut
        function auth($user,$pass){
                $pass = md5($pass); 
                        $query = "select $mysql_passwd_field from $mysql_table where
$mysql_passwd_key = '$user'";
                        $result = $this->sqlQuery($query);
                                echo "Error:No sql result";
                                list($thePass) = mysql_fetch_array($result); //this 
line might not
work , test with mysql later 
                                if(!strcmp($thePass , $pass)){
                                        return $user;
                        return 0;
                        global $passwdFile;
                        if($passwd_file = file($passwdFile)){
                                foreach($passwd_file as $line){
                                        list($username,$passwd,$groups) = split(":" , 
                                        if(!strcmp($username , $user)){
                                                        return $user;
                                return "Error:No passwd file.";
                        return 0;
        }//close auth           
        function sqlQuery($theQuery){
                $db = mysql_connect($mysql_ip,$mysql_user,$mysql_pass) or die("Could
not connect to database");
                mysql_select_db($mysql_db) or die("Could not select database");
                $result = mysql_query($theQuery) or die("query failed");
                return $result;
        } // close sqlQuery     

}// close class

and put this at the top of each page ...
include 'inc/AuthTool.class.php';
        //send to login

any feedback? :)


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