It is working without \r\n.  Just using regular spaces/new lines in
the text message.

On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 18:34:00 +0100, Jordi Canals <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 16:25:56 +0000, Richard Davey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Jerry,
> >
> > JS> I'm sending text email. How I can make new line.
> > JS> "\n" seems to be not working.
> >
> > \n in a text (not HTML) email will do the trick most of the time,
> > sometimes I see \r\n, but \n works for me nicely. Are you sure it's
> > quoted properly? "" instead of ''?
> >
> The RFC 2822 for Internet Message Format states clearly that MUST be
> "\r\n" using only "\n" is not standard and you cannot expet all
> servers to accept it as a valid separator.
> Just want to take your attention to this paragraph from RFC 2822:
> "Messages are divided into lines of characters. A line is a series of
> characters that is delimited with the TWO characters carriage-return
> and line-feed; that is, the carriage-return (CR) character (ASCII
> value 13) followed inmediatly by the line-feed (LF) character (ASCII
> value 10)."
> Also take in consideration that a message line cannot have more that
> 998 characters (plus CRLF) ...
> The RFC 2821 says: "The apperance of "CR" or "LF" characters in text
> has long history of causing problems in mail implementations and
> applications that use the mail system as a tool. SMTP client
> implementattions MUST NOT transmit these characters except when they
> are intended as line terminators and then MUST transmit them only as
> <CRLF> sequence."
> I hope this will help in composing mail messages and my recommendation
> is to *follow the standard* and send messages always by using CRLF as
> a line delimiter. Only doing that way, you will ensure your messages
> are accepted by any server.
> More information:
> RFC 2822 -
> RFC 2821 -
> Best regards,
> Jordi.
> --
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