Jordi Canals wrote:

Jay Blanchard wrote:

Sending as HTML will ensure that _almost_ everyone sees it as a link,
but there are some who have their clients set to block HTML.

Text only on a list like this is just darned good etiquette.

Are you trying to tell me that some people on mailing lists don't like HTML email?!?!? Comeon. Next you'll tell me that there's a war between top and bottom posting.

Me, for example I do not accept any HTML message from a list. My filters send those messages directly to my spam box. (I only accept HTML messages from people on my address book). Perhaps because I hate HTML messages ... perhaps because the images are used to check live adresses for the spam lists ...

Almost exactly the same setup here - ALL eMails get switched to text only - then I don't have any problems with messages that insist on downloading other on-line crap when you open them ;)

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services

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