I think I've tried just about everything that I found
googling.  Still no luck. I'm throwing this out again,
with the chance that something missed before maybe

Page 1:
//Start the Session - begin Block
<form method="POST" name="form1" action="Page2.php">
<input name="ListingName" type="text" id="ListingName"

Page 2:
//Start the Session - begin Block
//Set the session variable, input on Page 1
$_SESSION['f1a'] = $_POST['ListingName'];

Page 3:
//ON this page, I check that f1a still exist using an
echo - generally it does unless :

//Start the Session - begin Block
if (count($myarray) > 5) {
$_SESSION['arrayerr'] = "you have selected too many
header ("Location: Page2.php");
If the validation above passes, no problem. But if it
doesn't, once it redirects, the session variable , f1a
is bye bye.

I've tried passing the session_id, session_name, i've
printed out both to make sure they remain the same. 
I' ve done relative and absolute paths.  

Searching for this problem , it seems I'm not the only
one who has suffered with this issue.  Some was prior
php 4.3 when session_write_close was needed.  I've
thrown that in as well.  

I just don't get it.


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