Frantzcy Paisible wrote:
  But I've been thru this one, in and out, and it's exactly one of those that say 
"MCRYPT_IDEA (non-free)"  but not more.

Have you used mcrypt ? with cbc and IDEA ?

Sorry about that. I must have read your message wrong. I have used mcrypt, but not with IDEA or cbc. Are you locked into that particular cipher? Can you not use a different one? (I suppose you can't since all your existing passwords would use the old cipher.)

You could continue to use your old Perl script by using exec() or passthru() from PHP to call it, but, then again, your code could end up on, opening you to scorn and ridicule from the few who deem themselves worthy enough to criticize everyone's code.

Have you checked out libmcrypt, installed it, and tried it? It looks like they've implemented the IDEA algorithm in libmcrypt. I could be wrong, since I've never used it. <>

Ben Ramsey
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