On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 11:00:08 -0500, Andre Dubuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a very annoying problem with pages that re-display using the <form
> action tag>. On re-display the banner, which is set absolute position at 0px,
> shifts down by about an inch. I've isolated the cause to the <form action
> tag>.

I had this problem sometimes, specially when the user uses Mozilla as
the browser. Reloading the page does not render always the same way.
Normally the same page renders always the same in IE.

But the problem was not with the browser itself and nothing to do
there. In my cases, the problem was always a misformed HTML source ...
missing closing tags, bad columns width ... Specially the problem has
arised in the past when some columns or rows need to have exact sizes.

Checking the HTML sintax and styles helped. Specially, I use the w3c
validator and also validate the CSS for bugs in my code. After that,
and correcting my bugs, the page always renders the same way. And this
not means that it does as exepected :P

Check the page sintax at http://validator.w3.org

Best regards.

For me, the problem

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