It all depends on the factors like Computer Hardware, Optimization of PHP for 
that System/OS , Network Factors and all . 
Though it has been the perl way , as it is almost more than a teenager of age 
now and has more modules written for it than for PHP , PHP is the beggining , 
but I am sure the Programmers around the world ,who code for PHP way , thier 
hardwork will not go waste. and also Shifflet , I know you are the one among , 
PHP is easier to code than Perl .

Yeah , its true that top sites do not use Java or >NET , 

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 8:44 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Is Perl faster than PHP?

--- Merlin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> it came to my attention that most of the high traffic portals
> are using perl in the backend. Those sites do also apear to me
> to be very fast in comparison to most php sites. Are there any
> known performance comperissons between the two available? Or can
> one say that PHP or Perl is faster about x percent in general 
> compared to the other one?

PHP and Perl are both key tools used to build many of the Web's top sites
- Amazon, Yahoo, Ticketmaster, Google, etc. As a Perl developer worded it
at this past week's ApacheCon, these types of sites "receive an obscene
amount of traffic."

How these two languages perform and scale relative to one another is
entirely dependent on the design and implementation - neither is going to
consistently be better than the other, but both are very good.

You will notice that the top sites don't use Java or .NET. :-)


Chris Shiflett -

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