
I have a legacy PHP3 system and a MySQL DB with two tables:
user {
user_id int,
timezone varchar (like "Europe/Brussels", "US/Eastern", "America/New_York", etc.)
messages {
msg_id int,
user_id int,
date int

When a user submits a message, my PHP script (using time() function) stores the submission time in messages.date field. However this value is not the server's system time but shifted according the users timezone.

1. How can I convert it to reflect my timezone (ex. GMT)? Is there a way to find the offset between two timezones given in long format as in my table?
2. I would appreciate any information on how the PHP/Apache handles the timezone offset when calculating the time. Which of the PHP date/time functions take into consideration the environment variable TZ (upon user login there is putenv('TZ='.user_get_timezone()); command)?

Thank you in advance,

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