Hans J.J. Prins wrote:

I started a session at www.mydomain.com:2222/myscript.php

I want to destroy the session at www.mydomain.com/myscript.php

I seem to not be able to destroy it though. Does the different port have
anything to do with it?


H J.J. P

Although I've never encountered this situation before, I'll try.

More information about the platform in question will be necessary, but I'm going to go ahead and venture a "yes" here. It is safe to assume that different copies of PHP end up being run when you request something on 2222 and on 80.

Different copies of PHP don't (?) share session states. A custom session handler might be necessary for you. (Let me clarify that: PHP attached to *different servers* shouldn't share session states.)


   1. What are you running on 2222?
   2. What are you running on 80?
   3. Is it the same copy of PHP? Same php.ini, same PHP SAPI?

   (If Apache for 1 & 2)

   4. Same Apache?
   5. What's your Listen directive look like, if YES for number 4?
   6. Vhosts?

This also may be a security feature, but I've personally never tackled the problem. Tough to say.

I'll leave my advice at that for now pending further information.

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