Chris Shiflett wrote:

>> Maybe a daft question but why would you like to check for a
>> specific value?
>> Can you give an example when this is a good thing to do?
> You might have two submit buttons, where you want to take a different
> action depending upon which one the user clicks.

You might also want to restrict any actions you take to specific values -
one part of authenticating that the input is valid and not from, say, a
spoofed form. 

Someone else suggested using a function to do this - and this is what I do.
The function is part of a small library that I include into every page.

function clean_post($key, $length=FALSE, $request=FALSE, $stripslash=FALSE,
$stripmeta=FALSE) {
        if(array_key_exists($key,$_POST)) {
                $request = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$key]));
                if($length) {
                        $request = substr($request,0,$length);
                if($stripslash) { $request = stripslashes($request); }
                if($stripmeta) { strip_meta($request); }
        return $request;

You call with by passing the function a string representing the key you're
searching for in $_POST. If this isn't found, the function returns FALSE.

eg, $passwd = clean_post('passwd');

The value pulled from $_POST is run through strip_tags (you may or may not
want this. In my case, I always do because I don't accept HTML from user
input).The other parameters are optional, but offer increasing levels of
'cleaning' the data = ie, restricting its length, removing slashes and
stripping out meta chars.

The third parameter is a way of passing a default value to the function. In
this case, if the key you're searching for isn't found in $_POST, the
function returns that default value rather than FALSE.


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