John Nichel wrote:
Steve Buehler wrote:
My phpinfo client API shows: 3.23.58
Which would be because that is the version of mysql that I am running. My mysql, mysql-server and mysql-devel are all 3.23.58. Only my php-mysql module is 4.3.2-14

No, this is not the case. If you install with RPM, or you compile from source and only use --with-mysql, the client API is going to be whatever was bundled with PHP at the time. Update your MySQL version, and you're phpinfo will still show the 3.23.58 client library. The only way to change this in PHP4 is to configure and compile php with the version of MySQL _you_ have installed....otherwise, it will use the bundled MySQL client.

But why is the bundled client not upgraded? Aren't 4.0 and 4.1 clients backwards compatible with 3.23 server?

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