--- Graham Cossey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Stuart
> Have you looked at the HTML generated by your PHP
> code?
> Using view source you'll see what values each of
> your 3 forms contains and
> therefore what will be submitted in the POST. My
> guess from one of your
> previous posts is that all 3 forms contain the same
> value in the (hidden) ID
> field. You were getting the value from a class but
> did not appear to be
> passing any kind of index to the class to determine
> which value to return.
> Graham
Graham - hope your doing good!
It is 4:25am here but just fixed the problem. 
Solution - I created my standard repeat region around
all fields I want returned.  Within the repeat region
I put a form around the submit button and included the
hidden element as well in the form. So each record
returned has a seperate form around the button.  It
works! Records returned properly.


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