* M. Sokolewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Christophe Chisogne wrote:
> > M. Sokolewicz wrote:
> > 
> > > I prefer vim, which does have auto-completion, as an add-on. 
> > 
> > 
> > Interesting. Where can this add-on be found?
> > 
> > (google/vim.org/debian.org, I guess, but...)
> > 
> > > wouldn't call it an IDE... =/
> > 
> > 
> > Yes, but so usefull when edition html tags
> > Ex "ct>" to change to end of current tag
> > Ex "c/table" to change text before 'table'
> > 
> > And I really like '*' and '#' operators,
> > that search current _word_ under cursor
> > (seems emacs cant do that without defining a macro)
> http://vim.sourceforge.net/tips/tip.php?tip_id=91
> is a HOW, can't find the dictionary file anymore, and don't have it
> locally either (I don't use auto-completion with PHP). But it
> shouldn't be too hard to make ;)

google for 'rasmus vim php dictionary', and I think you'll find it.

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