Christopher Weaver <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Tuesday, November 30, 2004 4:55 PM said:

> I want one of my functions to create and open a new page.  I know how
> to call an existing page from PHP ala form action, but in this case I
> want to dynamically create and then display several pages.

PHP does not actually do anything on the client side *EXCEPT* to create
all the HTML that gets sent to the client. Javascript (not to be
confused with Java) or a target="" attribute in a link are a few ways in
which to spawn a new window. PHP itself does not (and cannot) spawn new
windows on it's own. It is merely creates the HTML/Javascript that does

> I'm
> thinking that perhaps I should assemble some HTML, write it out to a
> files, then open the HTML file.
> Is this the best way of going about it?
> Can it be done without actually writing the HTML to the disk?

No because PHP does not interact with the client in the way you (seem
to) think it does. The client never sees one bit of PHP.

> How do I actually open the page once it's been created?

See above.


p.s. This is not a jab at you, but I think you've had at least one other
non-PHP related question in recent days. My suggestion is to join a web
design list that deals with things web related in nature (i.e. HTML,
Javascript, PHP, ASP, databases, etc.). You could try TheList found at or webdesign-l (not sure where that was in found).

Also, I think it's important that you seek to completely understand the
difference between the server and client and how they interact. (Not to
say you're not already doing this, and it's almost more of a natural
progression than anything else.)

Again, I'm not trying to be harsh, just helpful.

And lastly, I've been known to completely misunderstand a person's
question as well as underestimate a person's profficiency so forgive me
if I've done that here.

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