The directory folder where you upload the file(s) and folder(s) inito must
have the ownership of Apache and the permission of 755.  Then you'll have no
trouble uploading file(s)/folder(s) into it since Apache would have the
permission to create the file(s)/folder(s) where none exist or update them
only if the file(s)/folder(s) was created by Apache in the past.  If those
file(s)/folder(s) weren't created by Apache but by you or someone then it
wouldn't work because the ownership would be different, you'll need to
change the ownership and permission to what Apache can use.

This is from what I had noticed and had no trouble with them since then.
When I move the files from 1 webserver to another, I alway check the
ownership and correct it if it is wrong the first time.


"Gareth Williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> You could try chown user:group, where user and group are those apache
> runs in.
> Is this script running on your own machine, or on a web server hosted
> somewhere?
> On 1 Dec 2004, at 09:03, Michael Leung wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >    I am still solving my upload script problems.
> > Here is the error Msg:
> > "Warning: copy(/var/www/html/upload_files/Default.bk1)
> > [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in
> > /var/www/html/simple_upload.php on line 77"
> >
> > My Upload Code:
> > $result  =  move_uploaded_file($temp_name, $file_path);
> >
> > I started to think this is not only PHP , may be Apache problem too.
> > Anyone has some ideas?
> >
> > I have tried to set my  upload directory into 777. Even I tried to use
> > sudo , giving apache as root permission and running system command
> > copy the file from the tmp directory to upload_files.
> >
> > but still no success!! I have done some research on web, no one can
> > suggest a solution rather than chmod 777( I did that!)
> >
> >
> >
> > yours,
> > michael
> >
> > -- 
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