> 1-I guess I need a way to make sure in the foreach
> that when the first empty element is reached the loop
> dies.

Just to be sure you understand:

You should really not die when you hit a blank.

You should just SKIP it and process the rest.

A user *might* choose to fill in the first and third text box INPUTs, and
#2 would be blank.  But they'd (rightly) expect you to process #3.

> 2- Why would the second array behave differently then
> the first ?

It's not you.

It's the way HTTP protocol was set up, not really planning for complicated
forms with arrays and such-like.

PHP using arrays (and other languages doing what they do) are mostly
work-arounds of the short-comings of the HTTP protocol.

It would be nice if the HTTP protocol had planned this out a bit better,
and INPUT, SELECT MUTIPLE, CHECKBOX, and RADIO all behaved in a more
rational/similar manner.

OTOH, if you make them too much the same, you'd probably end up having to
do more work for the simple forms.  So it goes.

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