On Wed, 01 Dec 2004 23:25:00 +0100, M. Sokolewicz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think patching zend_language_scanner.l would be easier actually ;)

Probably getting a little off-topic here but after I saw how seemingly
easy this might be, I had to give it a shot.  I added this in
Zend/zend_language_scanner.l file just under the similar <?php block:

<INITIAL>"<?new"([ \t]|{NEWLINE}) {
    zendlval->value.str.val = yytext; /* no copying - intentional */
    zendlval->value.str.len = yyleng;
    zendlval->type = IS_STRING;
    return T_OPEN_TAG;

My vanilla ./configure ends with no errors, but when I compile it it dies with:

sapi/cgi/cgi_main.o(.text+0x1499): In function `main':
/home/greg/php-5.0.2/sapi/cgi/cgi_main.c:1580: undefined reference to
undefined reference to `open_file_for_scanning'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [sapi/cgi/php] Error 1

I'm using PHP 5.02 source on a Debian sarge box.

Greg Donald
Zend Certified Engineer

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