Peter Law wrote:
> I am learning Php and have a web site host where scripts have to be in the
> cgi-bin. What is put in the original web page to call a script from the
> cgi-bin? The info from the web host is below.

Something like this may be useful to you:

Make two files.

Name one of them: form.html

Put this in it:

  <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/form_processor.php" METHOD="POST">
    <INPUT NAME="name"><BR>
    <INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="What's your name?">

Name the second file: form_processor.php

Put this in it:

  if (isset($_POST['name'])){
    Hello, <?php echo $_POST[name]?><BR>
    Welcome to my website!

Now, upload the HTML page to the HTML part of your site, but put the PHP
page in your cgi-bin part of your site.

Visit the HTML page, and it *SHOULD* invoke the PHP page when you submit
the form.

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