Morten Winkler Jørgensen wrote:

>    You will have to declare
>    <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript 1.2">
>       myArray  = new Array();
>       myArray[0] = "a string";
>       myArray[1] = 11;
>       myArray[2] = new Array();
>    </SCRIPT>
>    since JavaScript 1.2 has arrays implemented.
Thanks for that, but my problem being that I have just collected all my 
form data in an array:


how do I now build the equivelent js array to validate the data?

I tried the following still does not work:

--snip from head--
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
input = new Array();

function validateForm(theForm) {
  if ( theForm.input[name].value == "" ) {
  alert("You must type a value for NAME.");
  return false;


--snip from body---

<form name="form" method="post" action="whatever" onSubmit="return 
<input type="text" name="input[name]">
<input type="text" name="input[address]">
<input type="submit" value="submit">


How do I force all the data into the javascript array, while still 
setting the array to input[keyname]?

Any help appreciated,



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