Following code:


class SessionTestC {
   protected $value;

   function __construct ( $val ) {
       $this->value = $val;

   function GetValue () {
       return $this->value;

if ( isset ($_SESSION['TestObj'])) {
   echo 'Session Test is set to: '.$_SESSION['TestObj']->GetValue().'<br>';
} else {
   session_start ();
   echo 'Session Test was not set.<br>';
   $_SESSION['TestObj'] = new SessionTestC ( 'This is a test' );
   echo "<a href='".basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])."'>Click here.</a><br>";


Gives me an error of incomplete object on second access, like this:

*Fatal error*: main() [function.main <http://localhost/sfcms/Scripts/function.main>]: The script tried to execute a method or access a property of an incomplete object. Please ensure that the class definition "SessionTestC" of the object you are trying to operate on was loaded _before_ unserialize() gets called or provide a __autoload() function to load the class definition in */home/fmmarzoa/Develop/Stradivarius/Scripts/SessionTest.php* on line *16

*But as it can be seen, the class is defined in the script SessionTest.php itself, so... ??????

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