hi again, I tried all the corrections that you showed me. Nothing worked and I 
uploaded my scripts to a web hosting server and I saw that my scripts run on 
that server quiet well. 
Every script works on my machine, if I dont use $_POST[....].
For example if I try to run that code:
echo 'This is a string<br>'; 
echo 'Arnol said that: "I\'ll be back"<br><br>';
It runs, there is no problem, but if I run that one:
print "Welcome <b> $_POST[user] </b> <P>\n\n";
print "Your address is:<P>\n\n <b> $_POST[address] </b>";
Only "Welcome" and "Your address is"   printed. 
The data that I enter into the form is not received.
Do you have any idea, what kind of configuration mistake that I've done?

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