Raymond C. Rodgers wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-12-10 at 13:23, Richard Lynch wrote:
>> Where exactly is png.h in your directory system?
>> If libpng is installed, it should be there.
>> What are you using after the --with-png-dir=
>> Whatever you are using, it must be a directory far enough *above* png.h
>> to
>> encompass not only '/include/*/png.h' but also '/lib/*/*png*.so/
>> Many beginners mistakenly pass in the directory that contains 'png.h' --
>> Alas, PHP *also* needs to find all the png library binary files (.so) in
>> order to pull them in.
>> So starting at png.h, work your way 'up' until you hit a directory that
>> also has *png*.so down inside it somewhere (perhaps one or two levels
>> deep) and pass *that* directory with --with-png-dir=
> The problem was solved by making symlinks from the actual location of
> the png headers (/usr/local/include/libpng) to a slightly higher
> location (/usr/local/include). Previously attempting to point
> "--with-png-dir=" to either /usr/local/ didn't work. I found the tip
> about making symlinks to correct this issue by sheer luck.

You may want to report this as a bug...

That is, unless you took some action when installing PNG that caused the
files to be put under libpng instead of at the higher level.  If you did
that, it's on your shoulders to remember and make other applications aware
of your customization.

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