Lets say you want to store someones picture.

In the database, you would insert the picture, who owns that picture, maybe the ip address and request headers of where that picture came from, the category, sub-category, sub-sub-category in which the picture belongs to, etc. You can gather and store as much information about that picture as you want with ease.

When you want to access that file and its attributes, you only have to do one database query.

Wouldn't you agree that this structure is much easier to manage than storing the file in a directory, then storing that extra information in a database? Then to retrieve, you must do a database query and find the file in the FILESYSTEM (hoping it is still there). The code is much more complex

> And finally, file management is much much easier when you store the files in
> a database.

There is a kind of database that is perfectly designed and equipped to store
files, and their very specific metadata properties, optimized for the correct
sort of access.

That kind of database is called a FILE SYSTEM.

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